After a well deserved break, we are ready to jump back into the second half of the year. Yes, you read that right. We were on a break (but not the Ross and Rachel kind). And yes, it was very well deserved. After a full on first half of the year, prepping for the Nationals, playing at the Nationals, ANZAC Day, the State Band Festival and our own 30th Anniversary concert, they have been big gigs which required the music to match.
Fair to say, we were a little worn out (well I definitely was). So one week we had off completely and second we had a forum (complete with pizza so I think that's just being social, if we're honest). Because as much as we love being a part of band and playing together sometimes you just need a break. Some time off. To just take it easy.
I don't know about you but I love staying home. Love it. Especially in winter (it's way easier to get me to go out in summer. Hot weather puts me in a party mood). But in winter, I just want a nice hot shower, my pyjamas and a blanket. Throw in a book and a cup of tea and that's my night made. I'm that person that if you text me at the last minute cancelling plans, I'll reply 'No worries! Will catch up soon *smiley face*' while dancing around the room. Because not only do I now have a night in but it's completely guilt free! (But please note, try the same thing in summer and I will track you down).
Back from holiday we're refreshed and ready to jump into the second half of the year!