At last, a proper taste of summer! Now I know for those of you who love winter and the cooler weather this is extremely bad news but you've had your turn (and to be fair went a little - okay, a lot - overtime). But for those of you that are like me and love the warmer months, happy days are ahead!
Why do I love summer so much? For one, the sun is out. It's warm. I don't have to put on multiple layers to reach a comfortable temperature. Indoors. Forget going out. Bears have the right idea. Just sleep through the whole thing. Though somehow I don't think that's going to catch on with the human species. And I know people feel too hot to be bothered sometimes but that's it precisely! It is too hot to be bothered so let's all just find a cool spot and have a little lie down (a philosophy I find extremely appealing. Especially if I happened to have a book on me). And it's light enough and warm enough to be outdoors before and after work. Excellent for enjoying a light source that doesn't come from tubes or globes.
Summer means enjoying the outdoors. It's chatting with the neighbours in the street. It's sitting on the verandah, watching the sun go down. It's lazing by the pool or heading to the beach. It's fruit salad and icy poles. It's the buzz of cicadas that sound like the heat is a bit much for them. It's outdoor gigs that don't get cancelled. It's dresses and sandals. And suncream. It's barbeques with guest lists of five that swell to twenty. It's the radio hits that drift from open car windows. It's the classic summer tracks that mingle with fairy lights in a dark backyard. It's the concerts in the parks, the buskers in the streets, the portable speakers at the beach. Summer means Christmas is coming! (And that is the most wonderful time of the year).
On Friday, the 2nd of December you'll have the chance to combine two of the best aspects of summer - outdoor concerts and Christmas! It's always a magical evening for kids of all ages (even the really big ones better described as adults) so well worth coming along.
And if summer is a dreaded season for you, one that you loath with a passion I hope you can find one little thing to love about summer. Even if it is only when it comes to an end.