Except it already did. As you may know, due to poor weather we had to cancel our last performance. Which is a shame because Araluen is always such a lovely venue to play at, though probably not so much if it is bucketing down. These things happen and as much as you’d like to control the weather, you can’t. Though let me say, if I could, it would have stopped dropping to 5 degrees at night a long time ago. It’s now October!
Still, it’s not too late to catch us before the end of the year (I know, we’re already using statements like that). In a week (Saturday, 8th October to be precise), you can find us at the Karagullen Expo from 2-4pm, playing an excellent selection of music. Hopefully we’ll have a bit more luck with the weather (it’s October! It has to be better!).
I don’t know about you but I am definitely ready for some proper Spring weather. So far it has been disappointing. Let’s just say if I had paid for it I would be asking for a refund. If it was a meal, I would send it back to the kitchen (especially if I had cooked it). If it was a book, I would still probably read it but definitely not recommend it to anyone. If it was a movie, playing on the big screen, I would sit there bored, struggling to stay awake (but not walk out as that would draw far to much attention to myself even though it’s dark and no one can see me). I think you get my point. Still, there’s two months to go so perhaps things will turn around for Spring. All I can say is it better. I would like an interlude between complaining about the cold and complaining about the heat.
So you can rain on our parade and we will probably pack up and go home (or not come out in the first place, which is my preferred option). But we will be back. Because it has to stop raining sometime.